Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Pushing Past the Tired

I'm beyond exhausted at the moment. We've been packing for three days straight, with me doing about 90 percent since I have a schedule that can accomodate it better. That doesn't mean my writing hasn't suffered. Instead of the 2800 words I wanted to do today, I've only done 800.

But, then again, that's 800 more than the day started with.

When you're on a schedule, though, a 2000 deficit can snowball into a 4000, 8000, 12000 word deficit real quick.

Hopefully, the brain cells will be a little more awake tomorrow. The packing is almost completely finished, so there's that, at least. Anyway, I can use this in my book, right? Make one of my characters exhausted from packing. Yeah, I know, a real page-turner...

1 comment:

Susan Lanier-Graham said...

800 words, girl? 800 is better than zero, but I know you can make your goal. Rah! Rah! Go Susan Go.

And a packing scene? Just imagine what you might find hidden in a dark closet not cleaned out for 20 years. :-) -- The other Susan