Saturday, July 28, 2007

Back in the Saddle Again

I've been a bit remiss with the blog lately (just like 99% of the blogger population, it seems like). But I had a good excuse. Well, many. The top three? I moved. I brought a new human being into the world. The cable company hasn't come in two months and I've been forced to wrestle with dial-up. (Just pulling up this Blogger page took 10 minutes.)

But I'm here. Finally. All the boxes have been unpacked. The human being is on a good feeding schedule. And cable...still no cable, but "they" say we'll have it next week. I'm not holding my breath. "They" have been saying this for two months now.

Life on the writing front is good. I'm writing a short story for an anthology. Tentative title? The Treehouse War. Then it's off to write book #2 for Dutton, this time revolving around the lottery. Yeah, it's as fun as it sounds.