Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The Five Randoms: From Plagues to Spit Up

1) Today I come home to find a house swarming with...ladybugs. Yep. That's right. I come home to find about 2000 ladybugs atwittering and afluttering about the house. At first I thought it was cute. Then they started getting into my ponytail and under my armpits. In about thirty seconds, I went from "Wow" to "Eww. Eww, eww, eww!"

2) Got the flu shot today. The hubby and I were about 40 years younger than the youngest person there. Okay, well we weren't the youngest youngest. The baby was the youngest by seven decades. Not that anyone saw her. We had her in her carrier, which fit into her stroller, which was locked up tighter than Fort Knox against the germy hands the gray hairs like to pinch her chubby cheeks with.

3) Yes, I end sentences with prepositions. It ain't a grammatical faux pas anymore. And if you're Southern, "ain't" isn't either. (Being from Arizona makes me Southern, right?)

4) The 200 or so moving boxes were finally thrown away today--five months after we moved in. We have a basement again! Not like I'm going down there anytime soon. Basements, like a swarm of ladybugs, are creepy.

5) Usually, I'm not one to write about the day-to-day things that everyone's experienced--such as spit up. But when that spit up launches from your baby's mouth and hits your own mouth, that's something to write about. And follow up with an "EWWWWWWW."

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