Monday, February 04, 2008

The Five Randoms: Superbowl Edition

What's playing as I write this: An old episode of Seinfeld

1) I had a great catnap during the Superbowl. There's just something about being a new mom and hearing the sound of a football game that, in tandem, acts like a really wonderful sleep aid.

2) My favorite commercial was the Pepsi/Justin Timberlake ad. Something about him having no control over his destiny--or the commercial's mailbox placement--tickled my funnybone. I also loved The Forgotten quality about the effects, as well as the slapstick ability I didn't know JT possessed. A close second was that e-trade commercial with the talking baby. The talking freaked me out (too much like watching a bad kid's movie where CGI makes it look like a dog is talking "human" to a cat) but the random spit up on the keyboard made me smile in a "Ah, I've been there" kind of a way.

3) I live in New England, which means that over the course of the next year, I'm going to have a lot of gloomy faces around me at any mention of this surprising end to the Patriots' previously perfect season. I'm just glad the Red Sox won last year. That should take some of the pain away for these New Englanders. Me? I had to ask my neighbor today who was playing against the Patriots. I choose to fill my mind with the kind of details that matter to me: like who was Christian's partner during the avante garde challenge on Project Runway, or where I can find a well-reviewed cover for a shopping cart that I can use with The Munchkin.

4) I tried making guacamole for the first time ever yesterday, and as a native Arizonan with a Mexican restaurant every other block at my disposal, you'd think I'd know this recipe and could make it in my sleep. Not so much. I couldn't even make it just once. Seems like you need to have a soft, ripe avocado to work with. A cold, hard, unripe one just doesn't work--especially if it's bending the fork you're trying to mash it with.

5) And lastly, a little bit of writing news on this Super Sunday: I'm revising a scene that involves a Halloween party, a blind German Shepard, and a pregnant priestess. Yeah, I'm having fun. :o)

On a side note, I love watching documentaries (nowadays, they fall into the "reality TV" category) about peoples' lives that I would otherwise know nothing about firsthand. For instance, I love the series Intervention, which looks at the addictions of different people from different backgrounds and for different reasons.

And then there's the weird world of after-dark TV on TLC. I just watched an hour-long documentary on TLC about the world's smallest mom--a little person who, at 2'9", gave birth to a little girl who also has the little person gene. The story made me cry, it made me hope, it made me wonder. The 19-year-old boy who's the baby's dad is full-size (I think 6'3") and sticks with the mom and baby through all the nasty stares and obstacles.

I wondered about the kind of person who could do this, and it was said that he took care of his cancer-ridden mom until she died when he was 12. That explained a lot--once a caregiver, always a caregiver. Maybe this young dad even equates caregiving with love. The reason for me telling this story? This idea explains so much about the guy Reggie puts through the ringer in The Book With 100 Titles...

What's playing as I wrap this up: Something that sounds really corny (I had to look it up on Stargate Atlantis)

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