Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Excedrin: The Non-Stretching Writer's Friend

It's two in the morning and I'm waiting for the Excedrin PM to kick in. I have a headache thanks to sitting in front of a computer typing for too long and stretching very little. (Did you hear that, kids? Stretching--good. Not stretching--liver-taxing Excedrin.)

I've been busy with the move, but after a really great meeting with my RWA chapter (Romance Writers of America, a great org to join even if you don't write romance), I felt motivated to plot out my story points for tomorrow when I plan to write 50 pages.

Yep. You heard that right. Fifty. Because of the move, extreme exhaustion from said move, and trying to recover from said exhaustion from said move, I have about six days to meet a personal deadline. I used to have 21 days.

(Read prior post on procrastination if you wonder how I got here.)

So, RWA... A great org for the aspiring writer. Whenever I push my lazy butt out the front door and drive the 10 miles to the once-a-month meeting, I'm usually (9 out of 10 times) not disappointed with my decision. In fact, I usually come home motivated and ready to write, write, write. (Read the above about headache and its cause if you wonder if I was motivated to write, write, write after this night's meeting.)

I highly suggest joining a writing group if you've ever wanted to write. It's a fun way to discuss murder and mayhem and human nature with other sane people who love discussing murder and mayhem and human nature.

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